Prison and Extreme Use Furniture with up to 10 years warranty

CortechAUSTRALASIA Products

Sentinel Chair


The Sentinel Chair is a one piece rotationally molded arm chair. The chair has an EXTREME load capacity and is designed to stand alone or be ganged together.



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The Sentinel Chair is a one piece rotationally molded arm chair. The chair has an EXTREME load capacity and is designed to stand alone or be ganged together. The Chair can be weighed down with sand through the optional ballast door, bolted to the floor, or bolted to multiple chairs. The chair has no wood or metal components, and will pass the Cal 133 Burn Test.

The Sentinel Chair is ideal for use as Correctional Facility Furniture, Behavioral Health Furniture, Detention Furniture, Mental Health Furniture, Residential Institution Furniture, Public Safety Facilities Furniture and any other intense use application.


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Black, Blue Grey, Brown, Green, Slate Blue